Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats? Facts to Know…

Many people with pets ask, “Are spider plants poisonous to cats?” Well, good news! The ASPCA reports that spider plants (Chlorophytum Comosum) are non-toxic to both cats and dogs.

Cats and Your Spider Plant - Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats?

Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats?

The National Capital Poison Center also states that spider plants are non-poisonous, along with other common houseplants such as African violets, jade plants and dracaena.

Note: However, they do warn that other air-cleaning indoor plants like philodendrons and peace lilies are poisonous. Better Hames and Gardens provides a list of toxic houseplants that people should be aware of.

It’s always smart to do your research and not just assume that the beautiful houseplant that you pick up at your local nursery won’t hurt anyone.

What Happens When a Cat Eats Spider Plant Leaves?

Even though spider plants are not poisonous to cats, they are not meant to be eaten. That doesn’t mean, however, that cats won’t eat them. In fact many of them do.

Spider Plant Leaves, Not Yet Eaten by Cat

Sometimes cats can get stomach discomfort, indigestion or even vomiting if they happen to eat a significant amount of spider plant leaves (come to think of it, I probably would too). Here’s what cat owners say about what happens when their cats eat spider plants.

VCA Animal Hospitals confirm that spider plants are non-poisonous to houseplants. However, they so state that Spider Mums are poisonous. The similar plant name may explain the confusion, although they are two entirely different species.

Are Cats Hazardous to Spider Plants?

Rather than asking, “Are spider plants poisonous to cats?” a better question to ask may be, “Is your cat hazardous to your spider plant?”. LOL.

According to, cats are actually attracted to spider plants more than other houseplants because they are mildly hallucinogenic. This harmless effect is similar to that of catnip. That said, it is nothing to worry about, except for maybe your plant.

If you find your spider plant in shreds, with leaves missing or bite marks, it’s time to hang your houseplant up high. Your spider plant will thank you. Try a hanging plant shelf or a 3-tier plant hanger for spider plants.

Squirrel Eating Spider Plant

One morning, I noticed several spider plant leaves shredded on the ground with evidence of chew bites. And guess what? I don’t have a cat.

Can Squirrels Eat Spider Plants?

Apparently, they can. At least mine do. In fact, I have one squirrel that feasts on both the leaves and spider plant babies. Who knew spider plants tasted so good?

Top 5 Spider Plant Benefits for Health + Indoor Air Quality

Spider plants, (chlorophytum comosum), along with several other houseplants, can clean unhealthy toxins from indoor air. In fact, the number of spider plant benefits in your home makes these easy-care houseplants worth looking into.

Top 5 Spider Plant Benefits for health and Improving Indoor Air Quality Naturally

For example, an article on the National Wildlife Federation website recommends adding a few plants throughout your home to help purify the air.

Specifically, they suggest placing a medium-sized plant for every 100 square feet of floor space.

What to Do to Get the Most Benefits Out of Spider Plants:

However, to some people this may seem like a lot of plants. More than they can handle, in fact. To easily resolve this issue, they can add foliage only in areas where they spend the most time. For example, on top of a frequently-used desk where you work or on a bedside table.

1. How to Naturally Purify the Air in Your Home:

Top 4 Spider Plant Benefits

First of all, spider plants naturally purify the air by removing harmful substances like formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A study conducted by NASA found that spider plants effectively eliminate these pollutants from indoor spaces, helping to create a healthier living environment.

NASA Clean Air Study:

4 Air Toxins Removed

  • Formaldehyde
  • Benzene
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Xylene, (used in leather, rubber and print products)

2. Spider Plants Generate Oxygen

Second, spider plants are exceptional oxygen generators. They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen via photosynthesis, creating oxygenated air for us to breathe. By placing spider plants in your home or office, you can increase oxygen levels, enhancing alertness, concentration and overall cognitive function.

Note: The spider plant significantly removes carbon monoxide from the air. In turn, this create more oxygen in the home. (Source: Keeping It Real: Health Benefits of Indoor Plants, Which to Get and Hot to Care for Them by M Ousterhoudt)

3. Can Spider Plants Reduce Stress?

Third, spider plants can serve as natural stress-relievers. Research shows having houseplant (including spider plants) can significantly reduce stress, anxiety as well as symptoms of depression. The soothing greenery and connection with nature evoke feelings of tranquility, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

University of Technology Sydney:

4. Spider Plants May Help You Sleep

Fourth, spider plants can aid in creating a sleep-friendly environment. As they release oxygen at night, spider plants can improve air quality in the bedroom, ensuring a more restful sleep.

In addition, simply placing plants in the bedroom correlates with reduced insomnia and better sleep. Place a spider plant on your nightstand or nearby shelf to create a serene oasis for your sleep.

5. Naturally Increase the Humidity Levels in a Dry Home

Another spider plant benefit is that they can naturally increase humidity levels by releasing moisture into the air through their leaves. Consequently, this can alleviate dryness, particularly during winter months or in arid climates. By strategically placing spider plants in rooms that tend to be drier, such as living rooms or offices, you can enjoy a more comfortable and healthier environment.

Keep in mind that using a variety of different houseplants in your home can help remove a larger number of environmental toxins. That said, spider plants can combat quite a few.

According to the Mother Nature Network, spider plants are good at removing a variety of toxins from our indoor air. These include:

Curly Spider Plant Tips [ How to Buy, Grow & Propagate ]

I have never seen a curly spider plant for sale in a nursery, so I figure shopping on the internet is the best way to get one. Fortunately, you can buy them online fairly easily.

Curly Spider Plant Babies

Curly Leaf Spider Plants VS Regular Variegated Spider Plants:

Compared to the standard green spider plant, the curly version looks quite unique. Plus, when it starts sprouting off-shoots, it can have a very interesting appearance.

Compared to the typical 4″ shrub or flower that you can buy at your local nursery for about $5, the Bonnie Curly Spider Plant costs about $15. That may sound expensive at first, but consider this…

Spider Plant with Curly Leaves

Get 100’s of Spider Plant Babies for No Additional Cost

As you already know, Chlorophytum Comosum can turn into hundreds of plants over time. In other words, $15 is cheap for 100’s of plants, right?

Not many varieties have this multiplying feature. Not to mention, they are extremely easy to propagate even in a bowl of water.

4″ Spider Plant Quickly Grows into a Massive Mound of Foliage

But what if you only want one plant without propagating new spiderettes? In that case, their foliage quickly grows to a large, full size, especially when you keep the off-shoots attached.

Place the Chlorophytum Comosum in a larger flower pot so that it has room to expand. Then, feed it plant food regularly and provide adequate sunlight and water.

You will quickly have impressive looking greenery that looks like it costs much more than $15.

Can You Actually Buy Healthy Spider Plants by Mail?

Bonnie Curly Spider Plant 4-Inch Container

Buying plants online can pose a challenge, because you don’t really know what you’re getting until you receive it in the mail. Not to mention, it’s a living plant, at least you hope it will be when you get it. =)

I found the video below very helpful in seeing what the curly green spider plant looks like when you receive it. You can see that it arrives healthy with lots of brightly-colored leaves and a strong, established root system.

As you can see from the video, curly spider plants don’t have spiderettes when you buy them. This may take up to year for them to sprout baby spider plants.

Note: From my experience, the “parent” plant will grow offspring once it becomes root-bound. Keeping it in a smaller container can help crowd its roots faster and therefore, sprout baby spider plants sooner.

Chlorophytum BichetiiAlternatively, you can transplant your new plant into a larger pot or add it to an existing garden. Let it take its time in growing new plants.

I have found that my spider plants over a year old typically sprout new plants more frequently. Plus, if I keep them well fertilized (a few times a year), their new growth is more prolific.

In addition, my outdoor plants grow faster and greener than the ones I keep indoors. Having said that, I keep them in low light (less than optimal) conditions, so I expect this.

Curly Spider Plant Care:

Chlorophytum Comosum are very forgiving, which makes caring for you curly spider plant simple. If you water them to much or too little, they can quickly recover if you give them time.

Curly Spider Plant LeavesThat said, they do prefer bright, indirect light. Therefore, if you keep them indoors, make sure you place them by a window or under artificial light.

Outdoors, they do well under trees or walkways where they can receive some sunlight. However, direct sun can burn their leaves, so keep that in mind when selecting a planting location.

You don’t need to fertilize these plants, but I feed mine a few times a year if I want them to produce more offspring.

Find out more about spider plant care.

Curly Spider Plant Propagation in 3 Easy Steps:

Baby Spider Plants in WaterIf you want to know how to propagate curly leaf spider plant, the process is simple. In fact, you do the exact same steps as you would with the regular variety.

Step 1: When you notice that a spiderette has started growing roots, you can cut off the mini plant and transplant it to a bowl of water.

Some people take the sprout and plant it directly in soil. However, I find that placing it in water first helps the offshoot grow a stronger root system.

Spider Plant Cutting with Well-Establish, Healthy RootsStep 2: Next, let the roots of the spider plant baby sit in the bowl of water for about a week. You’ll notice that the roots grow significantly

Step 3: Lastly, move the plant to the soil and water it. With a healthy root system, I find that I can wait several days before watering again. More on propagating spider plants.

By the way, I have yet to find curly spider plant seeds for sale. Probably because it’s easier to grow this species from the baby offshoots. Having said that, you can take the seeds from your own Chlorophytum Comosum to grow into new plants. Here’s how.

Are Curly Spider Plants Safe for Cats?

Cats may like to chew on the leaves, however, spider plants are not toxic to cats – or dogs for that matter. Therefore, the party involved that may be most at risk is the plant. =)

Find out more about spider plants and cats.


Plant Propagation Made Easy - Stylish Hanging Kit

Propagate Your Spider Plants in Style - Without Taking Up Counter Space. See Root Growth. Grow 15 or 21 Plants.