Low Light House Plants & How to Grow Plants in Dark Rooms

Do you want to add some greenery inside your home, but you have dark rooms that don’t get much sunlight? Take a look at the list of easy care low light house plants below. In addition, we show you how a mini grow light can help solve all of your low-light problems…

ZZ Plants are Easy Care and Help Purify the Indoor Air

1. ZZ Plants:

These low maintenance houseplants can grow in both natural and artificial light, plus they help to purify indoor air. Therefore, they make perfect plants for a home or office.

Although they grow best by a sunny window and prefer regular waterings, ZZ Plants can tolerate non-routine care. For example, if you forget to water them or don’t have a sunny window, no problem.

My best tip would be to provide adequate drainage so that the roots don’t sit in water too long. Many new houseplant parents make this common mistake, myself included.

In addition, if have you have a dark home where your ZZ plant doesn’t get any indirect sunlight, you may want to consider a mini light. You can get some that include a timer feature and dimmer modes for optimal lighting.

Low Maintenace Houseplant - the Snake Plant

2. Snake Plants:

The Snake Plant has upright leaves that can grow tall. This indoor houseplant can tolerate low light conditions as well, although it prefers more sun.

Be careful about how much water you give it, as it does not like soggy soil. In addition, some people use a house plant fertilizer during the spring and summer to stimulate more growth.

3. Red Chinese Evergreen:

Red Chinese Evergreen Indoor HouseplantThe Red Chinese Evergreen also helps to naturally purify indoor air, and it’s super easy to grow. Consequently, it performs well for beginner gardeners. =)

It grows slowly and as a result doesn’t require lots of maintenance. For instance, it can do fine in a variety of light conditions and irregular watering.

In fact, this drought tolerant plant can sometimes go weeks without water. Plus, it can handle low-lit rooms.

That said, the exotic-looking red veins in the leaves may develop more color if exposed to more sunlight. So, if you want more vibrant-looking leaves, place this evergreen by a window or get a mini grow light.

Golden Pothos Vining Low Light House Plant

4. Golden Pothos:

The Golden Pothos, or “Devil’s Ivy”, is a vining houseplant that’s so easy to grow, you might mistake it for a fake plant.

This drought tolerant plant can handle low light conditions, but you’ll need to water it weekly. The trailing leaves make it ideal for hangin planters as well as high bookshelves.

5. Spider Plants:

Ocean Spider Plants Tolerate Low Light RoomsSpider Plants can grow in bright, indirect or artificial light. However, their leaves can often burn in direct sunlight.

For this reason, they can do very well indoors, especially in offices. Having said that, they will develop brighter-colored leaves when grown in brighter environments.

Grow Lights for Houseplants in Low-Light RoomsTherefore, overhead lights during the day (if in a dark room) can help plant growth, or a clip on light.

Many people like spider plants because their flowering plantlets make them look ever-changing and more interesting. Not to mention, they require minimal care and they help clean the air of numerous pollutants.

Other low-light indoor plants include ferns, bamboo and dracaena. Succulents typically need more sunlight.


Plant Propagation Made Easy - Stylish Hanging Kit

Propagate Your Spider Plants in Style - Without Taking Up Counter Space. See Root Growth. Grow 15 or 21 Plants.